Monday, July 25, 2011

Project Bored: Day 4 ~ Long Wait :(

Seeing the Chinese Doctor is a way to train one's patience. Why so? Here is why:
1. At 8.30 am, you called and received about, oh let's say, 150 busy responses. Then the nurse said "the phone appointments are fully booked"
2. At around 1 pm, you started to wait in the closed clinic which opened and received appointment at 2 pm. Why? Because if you came at 2 pm, you WILL be at the very back of the line.
3. At 2 pm, the counter opened. Now, you had to wait for the line to move.
4. At 2.30 pm, the doctor will start seeing patients. If you were lucky, the other patients didn't ask a lot of questions and it would be soon your turn. If the patients asked tons of questions, then good luck, it might be sunset when the doctor was ready for you.
So as you can see, seeing this Chinese Doctor is a one whole day event.
It's number 19 now. Mine is 35. So it will be another 2 - 3 hours of patience training.

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